Safe storage of hazardous chemicals

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Safe storage of hazardous chemicals

Posted by Admin
1) Classified and sub-siloed storage of hazardous chemicals, the stacking must be firm and reliable, the main passages between stacks should be kept at a safe distance, and excessive storage should not be allowed.​​
(2) The design of the warehouse shall comply with the relevant technical specifications for fire and explosion protection, and shall be reviewed and approved by the local fire supervision agency.​​
(3) Safe and reliable lightning protection devices should be installed in the warehouse of chemical dangerous goods, and regular inspections should be carried out.​​
(4) Strict operating procedures. When entering the warehouse area for transportation, the staff must be familiar with the relevant rules and regulations, and illegal operations are strictly prohibited.​​
(5) Dangerous chemicals that are easy to burn, explode or produce toxic gas in contact with water or damp shall not be stored in the open air, damp and low-lying water.​​
(6) Hazardous chemicals and flammable liquids and gases such as barrels and cans that are easy to burn, explode or produce toxic gases when exposed to sunlight should be stored in a cool and ventilated place. , ventilation and other measures to reduce the temperature in the warehouse.​​
(7) Chemical dangerous goods with conflicting chemical properties and different protection and fire extinguishing methods shall not be stored in the same warehouse or storage room; because the chemical dangerous goods with conflicting properties are mixed together, it is easy to cause chemical reactions, heat generation, combustion or explosion. .​​
(8) After the chemical dangerous substance catches fire, rescue measures should be taken according to its nature, and the items with different fire extinguishing methods should be put together in storage, so that it is easy to put out the fire in case of loss.​​
(9) Before the chemical dangerous goods are put into storage, inspection and registration must be carried out. After storage, it should be checked regularly, and the damaged packaging, container leakage, storage expiration and other phenomena should be dealt with in time.​​
(10) Smoking and the use of open flames are strictly prohibited in the warehouse. Fire prevention measures must be taken for motor vehicles entering the warehouse.​​
(11) Strict operating rules and regulations, the staff who enter the warehouse area for transportation must be familiar with the rules and regulations, and illegal operations are strictly prohibited.​​
(12) According to the nature of the stored dangerous goods, a sufficient number of fire-fighting equipment should be provided, and the employees at the post should be required to understand and use them.

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