Storage and use of hazardous chemicals

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Storage and use of hazardous chemicals

Posted by Admin
1 Hazardous chemicals must be stored in special warehouses, special sites or special storage rooms. The storage methods, methods and storage quantities must comply with national standards and be managed by special personnel.
2 The warehouse of hazardous chemicals shall meet the requirements for safe storage.
3 Hazardous chemicals should be classified and stored separately, and the storage location and quantity should be appropriate. The entry and exit of hazardous chemicals must be checked and registered.
4 Highly toxic chemicals must be stored separately in a special warehouse, with two persons receiving and dispatching and two persons keeping them, and the flow direction, storage amount and use of the highly toxic chemicals must be truthfully recorded; When it is used, it must be reported to the local public security department through the Party and Mass Work Department immediately.
5 Custodians should master the safety data of hazardous chemicals and relevant emergency procedures, and conduct daily inspections. The storage unit shall conduct regular inspections on the storage quantity and safety facilities of hazardous chemicals, and deal with any problems found in a timely manner.
6 The production management department organizes, and each functional department and each workshop shall conduct a safety evaluation every year for the places where highly toxic chemicals are stored and used, and shall conduct a safety evaluation every two years for the storage of other hazardous chemicals. After the evaluation, fill in the "Safety Evaluation Report on the Storage Status of Hazardous Chemicals".
7 The material, type, specification, method and single piece mass (weight) of the packaging of hazardous chemicals shall be suitable for the nature and use of the hazardous chemicals to be packaged, so as to facilitate handling, transportation and storage. The packaging and containers of hazardous chemicals must be produced by a professional manufacturer and have passed the inspection before they can be used. Hazardous chemicals that are no longer needed and empty containers that may remain hazardous chemicals should be recycled by the supplier.
8 Containers containing hazardous chemicals must be inspected before use to eliminate hidden dangers and prevent leakage, explosion, fire, poisoning, pollution and other accidents.
9 When the storage, use unit and location of hazardous chemicals change, effective measures shall be taken to dispose of hazardous chemicals products and their accessories without leaving any hidden dangers. The disposal plan shall be reported to the local administrative department for the record.
10 Departments and operators of hazardous chemicals must abide by various safety systems and operating instructions, and master the correct use methods and emergency measures.
11 The amount of hazardous chemicals stored at the point of use shall not exceed the amount used on the shift

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