Sales of stainless steel kitchen utensils show signs of recovery

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Sales of stainless steel kitchen utensils show signs of recovery

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In China, almost every family is using stainless steel kitchenware products. These products have also become necessities of life. However, recently, the dispute over "stainless steel quality" caused by different judgment standards has caused many stainless steel kitchenware manufacturers to be controversial. With the rectification of the names of these enterprises, the sales of stainless steel kitchen utensils in major supermarkets in Beijing have shown signs of recovery.
As the products of Supor, the representative brand of stainless steel kitchen utensils, have been proved safe and reliable by relevant departments, this well-known enterprise has survived the crisis. The author recently visited the major home appliance stores in Beijing and saw that the Supor counter has attracted the attention of many consumers.
Due to being questioned, Supor quickly sent all the products involved to the relevant national institutions for inspection, and the test results showed that they were hygienic and safe. Supor pointed out that the Daowai Branch of Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau is based on the 1988 standard, and Supor is based on the new 1992 standard. It should be said that the implementation of new standards is also an industry practice.
Supor recently applied to the National Daily Metal Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center under the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China to conduct re-hygiene and safety testing of stainless steel products produced by Supor. The results showed that five metals such as lead, chromium, nickel, cadmium and arsenic were precipitated. Physical and chemical indicators are fully qualified. Supor stainless steel products are healthy, hygienic and safe, and consumers can use them with confidence.
Will manganese in cooking utensils have adverse effects on consumers' health? Dean Pan Siyi, an expert in food and materials science and a doctoral tutor at the School of Food Science of Huazhong Agricultural University, said: "Consumers don't need to panic when they hear manganese." He pointed out that life Many substances in it contain manganese. Manganese is one of the essential elements for the human body. Physical and chemical indicators are the standards for testing whether a product is safe and hygienic. As long as the physical and chemical indicators are qualified, it is hygienic and safe.
In fact, many new materials with good performance and reasonable cost have also been developed abroad, which has greatly increased the popularity of stainless steel utensils. Developed countries such as Europe and the United States also revised the corresponding standards in a timely manner, expanding the scope of applied materials. Such as American Cookware Manufacturers Association standards, international ISO tableware standards have been revised in a timely manner. In recent years, domestic enterprises have also widely used these new materials that have been popularized internationally.
On October 22, 2010, the Ministry of Health announced the "Letter from the Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Health on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on 38 National Food Safety Standards including "Stainless Steel Tableware Containers", and the "National Food Safety Standard for Stainless Steel Food" published with the letter. Containers" (Draft for Comment) and the draft for comments: Considering the variety of stainless steel plates, in order to avoid disputes related to the grades of stainless steel plates, stainless steel no longer specifies the grades, and only specifies the food utensils containers. Austenitic stainless steel, austenitic and ferritic stainless steel, and ferritic stainless steel with better corrosion resistance should be selected.
Industry insiders told the author that the market share of Supor cookware has always maintained a leading position in China. The "quality disturbance" in Supor this time is a good reminder for the current application of standards in the field of stainless steel products, which may lead to the introduction of new standards as soon as possible. At present, the relevant state departments are actively promoting new standards that are in line with the current development of the industry.
In fact, Supor is not the first company to encounter a similar storm. Previously, Zhejiang Aisida (002403) was also detected by the Harbin Industry and Commerce Bureau with the same problem. It can be seen that this is a problem that the stainless steel cookware industry needs to face together.
Experts believe that the relevant standards for stainless steel product manufacturing require the Ministry of Health, the National Quality Inspection Bureau, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and other relevant authoritative authorities to jointly discuss relevant solutions. The competent national department will further explain the standard issues, provide authoritative guidance for the development of the cookware industry, create a favorable development environment for the development of enterprises, and clear confusion for the public's legitimate and reasonable consumption.
According to the data, Zhejiang Supor Co., Ltd. is the largest R&D and manufacturer of cooking utensils in China and the second largest in the world. Eight categories such as electric pressure cooker, induction cooker, and electric kettle lead the market, fully meeting the needs of kitchen life. Since its inception, Supor has always been leading the development of the industry through innovative technology and humanized design, bringing people a pleasant experience of comfortable kitchen life, and has become a brand respected and trusted by consumers who pursue quality life.

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